Personal Profile

With a primary interest in the field of Information Technology and a first-class degree in Computer Science, I am actively pursuing new challenges having recently worked the latest hybrid mobile development and Progressive Web Applications that will set the standards for future development in both mobile and web architecture.

Employment Experience

2016 - present

Diamond Apple

Senior Software Consultant

My work at Diamond Apple involved me consulting with separate development teams to ensure an application was delivered on time using best practices. I have also spent the time working on an Ionic 3, hybrid mobile and progressive web application.

2016 - 2016

Apposing / Webtise

Senior Mobile Developer

During my time at Apposing I worked on creating a Swift Application for Ketogenic Diets. The application functioned a lot like MyFitnessPal with food logging and barcode scanning. With the development I also improved on the design of the application.

2015 - 2016

Now Healthcare Group Ltd

Lead iOS Software Engineer

At Now Healthcare I worked on the iOS application Dr Now. I was allowed to self-manage my workload and was given free reign to incorporate new features and designs to help shape the application. I also assisted on working with the PHP/MySQL backend. Furthermore, I utilised task management using JIRA and Agile Planning to address issues and breakdown new tasks.

2011 - 2015

The Liverpool Office

Director / Lead Software Engineer

During my time at The Liverpool Office I was tasked with managing multiple projects for various clients. I needed to create project breakdowns, ensure the clients work was delivered on time and functioned as expected. My work as a Software Engineer had me working with with Unity3D, Wordpress, PlayStation Mobile and Cocos2DX.

Personal Details

Driving Licence: Yes
Prepared to Relocate: No (Liverpool Only)

Skills Profile

Ionic 3 Typescript Javascript HTML CSS Swift Obj-C PHP MySQL JIRA Git C# Java XCode Android Studio Visual Studio Code Unity 3D


2007 – 2010

BSC (Hons) Computer Games Technology – Awarded First

School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool JMU, Byrom Street, L3 3AF

3rd Year: Multimedia Development Workshop
Advanced Computer Games Technology
Online Games Development
Advanced Interaction Technologies
Advanced Computer Games Programming and Workshop
Final Project
User Interface Design

2nd Year: Object Orientated Systems
2nd Year: Personal Development II
2nd Year: Computer Games Technology and Animation
2nd Year: Computer Games Programming and Workshop
2nd Year: Digital Sound and Audio Production
2nd Year: Data Communications and Computer Networks

1st Year: Introduction to Computer Games Technology and Programming
1st Year: Introduction Programming and Software Development
1st Year: Web Design
1st Year: Computer Systems Architecture and Networks
1st Year: Personal Development
1st Year: Mathematics for 2-D Computer Graphics and Games

2006 – 2007

Access to Computing and ICT

Riverside College Halton, Kingsway Campus, Widnes, WA8 7QQ

1st Year: Level 2: Computer Programming
1st Year: Level 2: English (71%)
1st Year: Level 3: Information Technology (71%)
1st Year: Level 3: Computing 1 (Data Processing) (73%)
1st Year: Level 3: Computing 11 (Advanced Programming) (76%)

Hobbies and Interests

I enjoy spending time with my son, watching movies, playing videogames and socializing with friends. When I have time I also enjoy programming personal projects at home which helps me keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends.